Saturday, September 24, 2011

Process Of Flirting

     The way you flirt is simple. You go up to the person ask them their name and when they answer you say your name. You carry on a conversation and ask if they want to play. When they say yes you go play together with no one else. That's when you get to know them well. Ask them about their lives and what they're into. Do the hair flip. Act interested and like you know what your talking about even if your not at all or have absolutely no idea. When its time to leave ask to play with them again the next day.

How To Clean A Bathroom

1. Clear the space your cleaning completely
2. Have the cleaning supplies handy I.E.(Windex, Lysol, Paper towels, Toilet bowl cleaner, Mop, Broom, Toilet bowl wand)
3. Spray Lysol on surfaces needed cleaned by Lysol
4. Take off paper towel from roll and wipe surface down
5. Spray Windex on mirror
6. Take paper towel off roll and wipe mirror off
7. Put toilet bowl cleaner in toilet
8. Sweep floor with broom
9. fill tub with water
10. Get mop wet in tub.
11. Mop floor
12. Let floor dry
13. Scrub toilet with toilet wand
14. Flush toilet
15 Put things back on counter top

Exemplification Paragraph

     My mom Shawn is a great listener. She helps me through my teenage breakdowns all the time. She never judges me on them either. Also when everything is done and over with she doesn't hold grudges on anyone. When she helps me through teenage breakdowns, she is helping me a lot. She helps me choose how to handle the situation the right way. When its a school issue she tells me what I should do and lets me decide the final outcome. Its fantastic that she doesn't judge either. When I get into fights with friends she still listens even though she thinks they're dumb too. She respects how I feel about it as well whether I'm right or wrong. When the fight is over she never holds a grudge. She doesn't treat anyone different when the fight is over. Also she doesn't look to the past once its over and its never brought up again by her.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

In Class Writing

     My husband Robert is a selfish person, for one thing, he refuses to move out of the city, even though it is a bad place to raise the children. We inherited some money when my parents died, and it might be enough for a down payment on a small house in a nearby town. But Roger says he would miss his buddies in the neighborhood. So we ended up not moving.
     Also, when we go on vacation, we always go where Roger wants to go. We go the same place every year and even sometimes one of his friends tags along. We never go any place fun for the kids either. He wants to gamble and drink all the time so we go to a non kid friendly place, a lot of the time we have the kids stay with his parents.
     Another example of Roger's selfishness is that he always spends any budget money that is left over. He is constantly eating out and going to bars. He doesnt see that we have children who need clothes and food and shoes and what not. All he cares about is himself.
     Finally, Roger leaves all the work of caring for the children to me. He never wants to help take care of them. He says he needs to have his man time and I need to do my job and be the mother. He says it my job, and he doesnt need to help with the kids. He claims the only thing he needs to do is make money to pay bills, which he doesnt even do that either, he spends it all on useless stuff that we dont need or on himself.

1/4 Into the Semester(:

     This coarse is going well. I like that we have a set schedule for every time we come. It helps me know what were going to be doing and in what order. One thing that i would change though is the blog. I dont always have internet and I dont have much time to go find somewhere else to write the blog, so I would like if we would be able to write the paragraph handwritten aswell if we cant get to a computer that works, and then add it to our blog when we get the chance.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Health Conscious?

     The united states I would say, is not  health conscious. Our country as a whole is obese. If we were health conscious we would not be as fat. Though we have many medications  and cures, we need to work on our eating habits. That would solve many health problems.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

New College Student

     Advice I would give to a new college student would be many things. A few of those things would be, to study and not procrastinate. I would say study because you have to take in so much information at once you wouldn't be able to remember it if you never looked at it again. Then, I would say don't procrastinate because you will get very exhausted very fast and that's not good.